Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tie Front Top

I enjoy crocheting clothing and this was particularly fun. It was easy to follow, easy to make since it only had two stitches, it was plain enough that it could be dressed up with flowers or a funky edging, something to make it unique, but it was pretty enough to be worn without any additions. The sizing was just about spot-on, and it was easy to adjust the gauge to accommodate my rather larger-than-size-large self. Since it went to large and I needed a 2x-3x, I simply used the gauge given and my measurements to make it my size. It was really VERY easy.
There was a negative - the edges of the front were too far apart and didn't even cover half my breast. It felt oddly like being on display even though I was perfectly modest, lol. So I added 2 inches of edging to the neckline and fronts, now it's just right.
No pictures of me in it since, after all, I did just tell you I was plus sized. My husband and kids thought it was rather nice, though, so I must have gotten it right!


Donna said...

Very cute Mel! And I just have to jump in here for a are a beautiful, beautiful woman. I for one would love to see you modeling it. I know how hard it is sometimes to put ourselves out there like that in such a public way, but I just bet that you would feel strong and empowered if you did it! ;) Just my $.02...for what it's worth. I have trouble even having my picture taken, but am really trying hard to show a lot of self-love and get past that feeling. We are brave, beautiful women. Show it off sister! ;)

Melanie said...

Aww, thank you! I'll have Mike take a picture for you :) You're so sweet!

Donna said...

Great! I look forward to seeing it!