I used an oatmeal colored size 10 thread cotton I reclaimed over the winter. The dress is very soft and stretchy but I would gauge it to be about 6 months size, jacket to match. The halter dress is knit with a crochet shell hem and the jacket is crocheted in a matching shell.It is small enough to be a baby dress, but could also be used as a halter top for a toddler. I learned how to make a vine of leaves a while back and I adore making them so I touched up the front and neck edges with a pretty dark green vine of leaves, also in 100% cotton I reclaimed from the same sweater. It was stripedy. I like stripes.
Sorry, got distracted, moving on.Pricing - I hate this part because I knit and crochet for the love of it, but I have no need for the stuff I am making and selling it is better than watching it collect dust here in my closet. So, I'm asking $25 for the set or $14 for each separately. Just email me or comment and I will get back to you!
For some odd reason, I feel compelled to make play-food this weekend. I started last night about 5 pm and ended up with three off white turkey eggs, inspired by my sister's generosity in giving me a bunch to take home.

Once I finished those, I got to thinking about a conversation Mike and I had about persimmons last week (yes, we're that dull) and I realized I had the perfect yarn for it. A two ply lace weight in an orangey color with a touch of pink. I also had the green and off white in the same fiber, so why not?
Found out why not 3 hours later. The stitches were so tiny it took forever! Thank goodness I got it right in one try, I couldn't have persevered if I was forced to frog it.

The eggs are $2 each and the persimmon is $5. It was a lot of work, that one! This afternoon was so beautiful that I HAD to take pictures. So enjoy my talent and marvel at the skill. Or just snicker and move on, it's all good :)